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Der Podcast for the Safety Community!


From the community for the community!

Safety Engineering, Safety Management, System Safety, Functional Safety and Co.: In this podcast, experts from a wide variety of areas have their say on safety. The domestic and international guests talk about their work, their special topics and current topics. The podcast ist hosted by Florian Wagner.

The podcast is hosted on at home and on the following platforms, among others: Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Radio Public

The latest english episodes

Mark Vernacchia - STPA presentations

List of some public presentations made and presented by Mark (No claim to completeness):

Title: SAE J3187 - STPA recommended practices
Presented at the 2022 MIT STPA workshop

Title: STPA Industrialization / Adoption in Industry
Presented at the 2021 MIT STPA workshop

Title: STPA return of invest - Industrial perspective
Presented at the 2021 MIT STPA workshop

Title: Virtual Button and Graphical Interface System Safety Evaluation Using STPA
Presented at the 2020 MIT STPA workshop

Title: STPA Industrialization / Adoption in Industry
Presented at the 2020 MIT STPA workshop

Title: Integration of STPA into GM System Safety Process
Presented at the 2018 MIT STPA workshop

Title: GM Presentation for Introducing STAMP/STPA Tools into Standards
Presented at the 2018 STPA worksop

Title: Iterative Application of STPA for an Automotive System
Presented at the 2015 MIT STPA workshop

Title: Development of human interface requirements for shift by wire (SBW) devices using STPA
Presented at the 2016 MIT STPA workshop

Title: Application of STPA to a Shift by Wire System
Presented at the 2014 MIT STPA workshop